Carroll Rosenbloom
(? - 1979)
Winning 6 consective division titles might have satisfied some owner, but Carroll was one who believed that nothing but the best was too good for the Los Angeles Rams fans.
Rosenbloom's speciality was discovering promising young coaches who have developed into big winners. In fact, head coaches discoved by Rosenbloom have won 4 Super Bowls. Those coaches worked for Carroll in Baltimore where his Colts recorded 16 consecutive winning seasons, including the Super Bowl victory in January 1971.
Thus, it was not merely coincidental that just about the time Carroll arrived in Southern California to assume ownership of the local football franchise, the Rams started to win. Six consecutive NFC Western Division titles came to Los Angeles after he traded his Colts for the Rams in that historic transaction during July of 1972.
Besides his devotion to his own team, Carroll had always been a leader in NFL policy-making decisions. For example, he lent his business acumen and negotiating skill as a key force on the NFL Executive Committe which completed the merger agreement with the former American Football League.
Carroll Rosenbloom was totally dedicated to fan comfort and enjoyment. The best way to do the former, he felt, was to play winning football. The best way to do the latter was to push for improved stadium conditions, a project that had occupied much of this time.
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